3 September 2013
Well we're finally getting back to working on the attic and I am finally writing a new post. Now that September is here we hope to have a lot more time to spend on the house. Summer always seems to go by too fast and this one was no exception.

This summer has been filled with weddings and barbecues with friends and family,
 a trip to New York City,
and a number of lazy days with the dogs.
 (excuse poor quality phone pictures)

We haven't had time to really get anything major done on the house, not that I am complaining since we've definitely been too busy having fun. 
This weekend we finally got ourselves back in gear with the goal to finish the attic this September.

I finished sanding patches and started priming the walls while Jeff changed the outlets and got started on the trim.
Hopefully we stay on track with both the house and this blog throughout the fall. For now, it's back to work!

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Welcome to our little blog. Here you'll find our adventures as we take a DIY approach to our 1903 Little Red Brick Home.

Jeff and Shannon

Jeff and Shannon
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